Paid to Review Update
For the last few days I have been so excited because, i got so mnay tasks and I can finished them before the deadline (well most of them). So far I've made about $150. I guess that wasn't so bad for a part time job.
Perhaps you guys are wondering, what kind of tasks I have finished. It's the paid to review program or PTR for short. If you're wondering or what to find out more about the program you can visit for more detail.
The details are here:
From smorty I got $24 and i still have some tasks that are still being reviewed by the smorty team
From Blogvertise I got around $60 and also with some posts being reviewed
From ReviewMe I got $25. But no pending posts. However, I still have one tasks on the process that worth 5 bucks,
From Sponsored reviews, I've made $20 so far. It's a little difficult getting a decent task form this site.
All those tasks are from 1 blog. Unfortunate;ly, thats all i got. But right now, i'm building some more blogs. So guys, wish me luck allright
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