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Saturday, March 29, 2008

The Awaited News!  

The good news finally came into my inbox. Pay Per Post approved my blog! Yes that's right. I AM now eligible to get all those great opps. Although I have written for other pay per post brokers, but PPP is something else. It's like I'm now moving to a higher level.

The reason I was all so excited (it' so obvious isn't it?) is because I had applied to PPP 5 times and I always got rejected not until today. When I opened my inbox, Wala! there it was. I'm just gonna quote the letter from PPP here:

Hello Ujang Primana Iryanto,

This is a notification letting you know that your PayPerPost blog, Write Everyday , has been approved and is now available.
You can now take opportunities and write about them on your blog.

Thank you,

The PayPerPost Team

If you have any questions or comments regarding this message, please send us a note by clicking on 'Contact Support' at the bottom of any page within your PPP account. Thank you!!

150 N. Orange Ave.
Suite 412
Orlando, FL 32801

The first time I heard about PPP is from a guy's blog. There, he listed down all the paid review brokers he joined. I was very interested the first time I read about it so I decided to apply to all those paid review brokers. I got accepted by all except PPP. I was very frustrated at that time, but now it's all gone.

It's a tougher competition here on PPP so I guess I just have to work harder to interact with other blogger, promote my blog, exchange link and everything else needed to improve my tact score.

Hopefully, I will get more money so that I can get the laptop I have always dreamed of.

Wish me luck :)

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2 comments: to “ The Awaited News!

  • Anonymous
    7:46 AM  

    Hi Ujang! Thanks for linking me to your blog. I will link you up, too! Congrats on doing PPP.

  • Jerla Oh lalala
    8:05 AM  

    congrats wellcome to the world. tnx for adding me il add u too in my list