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Friday, February 15, 2008

Post reviews at and get money!  

Paid for Review is really an interesting program. Write a review of a product after that you'll get money. Really interesting.

But first you have to find the company that serves as the "middle man" between you and the advertiser. So, know let me tell you about one of the leading companies in buzz marketing -

Before you decided to join with you have to make sure that you have a blog which has been around for 60 days and has at least 10 entries-make sure that the entries are original ones not the ones you got from copying from other sources, other wise you'll got rejected.

Another important point is that you can not have a blog from wordpress. It is also not allowed. Why? You can read it once you've register.

After everything is set up than register your blog and quickly make a review about in your blog since the guys at blogsvertise will review it than decide the approval based on that post.

Just like what i'm doing right now :)

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